Thursday, October 30, 2008

Big Things are here...


I have found that whenever I announce a hint of some news that I will reveal in the future, inevitably many of my reader's first thought is that Cory and I are having a baby. Sorry to disappoint, yet again.

The "Big Thing" that I would like to announce today is that earlier this week I finally launched my photography website! I have been chipping away at formulating and uploading content for the past couple of months and I have to say I am pretty excited about it being completed. The snazzy website design was provided by and the photographs were provided by yours truly. The images of me and Cory were taken by my good buddy Joshua Cook
I will be continuing to update content and the site and hope you all enjoy! Check it out and leave me a comment on what you think!


Debbie T said...

Awesome, Billy! I'll be praying for the dates on your calendar to fill up!!

mfloreen said...

I love the new site! It's got so much personality!

Melissa Burns said...

Billy, it looks great! Nice work. There one especially good-looking family on there. :)))

Abby said...

I totally thought the baby thing at first, but I didn't ask because I am so sick of people bugging us about it. :o) I'm excited about your news, though!