Saturday, June 21, 2008
Oh yeah, we have fun at wedding part deux

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Breaking the Silence

First of all, I must apologize for the silence. I think that many of you are comparing the amount of time since my last post to the amount of time that the chess champion Bobby Fisher spent in seclusion before he emerged and challenged and beat the Russians. I sincerely apologize for leaving you all hanging about the "big news." Keep reading.
Yesterday was a good day. For many reasons. Last night Cory and I drove to LAX to pick up our good friends Jay and Janelle who got MARRIED last weekend! (See the picture above, aren't they smashing together?). They spent their honeymoon in Banff, Alberta Canada and had a rockin time! We picked them up from the airport and went straight to In-n-Out. Now that's what I am talking about. It was so fun to hang out with them and to hear a lot about their honeymoon and to get to see their excitement about being married together!
Yesterday was also good because it was Cory's last day of work for the week and it kicks off a four-day weekend for us! We'll be spending the first three days at the Resolved Conference out in Palm Springs (yeeouch it's gonna be hot!) and then day four we are headed to Disneyland!
Yesterday was a good day in another sense because yesterday afternoon me and accounting parted ways. For good. A little over two weeks ago, Northpoint Church (where Cory and I have been attending for the past three years) offered me a position as the Junior High Ministry director on the Student Ministry Staff! And I accepted. As such, Friday was my last day with Capital Pacific Homes. The transition was bittersweet for me because on the one hand, I am excited to no longer be doing accounting, but on the other hand, I really enjoyed working for the company and alongside the people that I worked with.
It was a little over two years ago that my good friends Scott Burns and Ken Flower and I sat down and were talking about my future and giftedness and what we thought the Lord wanted to do in my life and after that I decided that I if somehow God worked it out for me to do ministry full-time someday, that I would be really excited about that. But two years ago wasn't the right time and I was happy to stay in the accounting world. God thoroughly blessed a little over a year ago to take me out of the public accounting world (high stress, consistently super long hours, LOTS of time spent in the car) to allow me to work for a cool company here in Corona (cool people to work with, close to home, better pay). And now I am super excited that God has blessed yet again!
My first day with the church will be this coming wednesday and I am so excited (and I just can't hide it). I'll be jumping right into the fray as our JH summer camp is two weeks away!
Well, I gotta go get ready for our trip to Palm Springs (I think we are staying at the "Heat Wave" resort)!
Have a great weekend!