In the past few months, I have been "getting into" photography quite a bit more. I have learned so much and am having a lot of fun. I have learned so much from really cool guys like Matt, Shay, and Chad.
These guys have taught me so much and I am so thankful and have had a blast hanging out with them and talking photography. However, as I have been "getting into" photography, I have definitely been coming at it from the business perspective. I have been checking out different printing options, trying to take stock photographs and trying to think and plan about how to start taking lifestyle photos for a side business (I am trying to raise money to hopefully start attending seminary sometime in the future).
I love many things about photography as a side business. 1- I enjoy it, so it doesn't feel like work when I am shooting people or sitting with my laptop editing. 2- it is uber-flexible. I can work on the editing parts whenever and pretty much wherever with my laptop (so far one of my fave spots is starbucks).
However, I haven't had a lot of time to "get into" photography as what it started out for me- a hobby. Something that I enjoy doing, a gift from the Lord not to be enjoyed more than Him.
This weekend is my birthday. Cory got me some photography books that I am super stoked about, but she also gave me the opportunity to go to a cool spot and just take photographs with (and some of) her and to get to enjoy being with her and enjoy doing that together. She is quite the photographer herself on her Canon Elph. (Secretly sometimes I'll look at a picture that she took and basically try to copy it. She has GREAT ideas.) What can I say, she inspires me!
Friday late afternoon we headed down to Newport Beach and walked around and took some fun pictures during the "golden hour" (my favorite time to shoot- particularly of people) and we had dinner at BJ's. It was an awesome time and I really enjoyed getting to be with someone that I love so much and enjoy being with and makes my life way more exciting and fun than it ever could have been on my own!
So thanks babe!!! I love you!!!
What would a photo time at the beach be without a picture of the Rainbows? I LOVE these things. They are so comfortable and the things are indestructable. For any guys who have been starting to wear Crocs, be a man, wear Rainbows.
We did this cool thing where we placed the camera on a lifequard tower and took a picture where the shutter stayed open for about 25 seconds to get this shot. Took us quite a few tries though; planes take off over Newport.
Here she is!!!! The architect of the evening!!! Cory wouldn't tell me where we were going until we got in the car (which heightened the anticipation and the experience) and it was so fun! Isn't she the most beautiful woman on earth? (that's not actually a question-more of a statement).

Newport is also cool because it has some really great old buildings. Cory and I really liked the brick on this one... This week I may be trying to put together business cards and hopefully I will have one of my first official lifestyle family photo shoots in the next few weeks! I am super excited!!!